10 x 20 Vinyl Pool House Shown in White Vinyl Siding with 30 Year Architectural Virginia Slate Asphalt Shingles, Shutters, Full Set of Screens, and Screened Door
12' x 28' Vinyl Pool House with Heritage Gray Vinyl Siding, x2 18" x 36" Insulated Windows, 5' Wide Double Door & Single Door, Cupola, Decorative Railings, Virginia Slate Asphalt Shingles, Gray Composite Deck, Full Set of Screens, White Trim, White Vinyl, and Window Shutters.
10' x 18' Vinyl Pool House shown with White Vinyl Siding, Gray Composite Deck, Screens, Cupola, Charcoal Gray Asphalt Shingles, and 4' Concession Bar.
12 x 20 Vinyl Pool House Shown in White Vinyl Siding with 30 Year Architectural Virginia Slate Asphalt Shingles, Shutters, Full Set of Screens, Cupola and Screened Door
12' x 24' Vinyl Pool House shown in White Vinyl Siding, Gray Composite Deck, Earthtone Cedar Asphalt Shingles, Gable Roof, Gable Dormer with Half Circle Window, and Electrical Boxes for Wall Sconces.
10' x 18' Vinyl Pool House (5’ enclosed) with Gray Composite Decking, Rustic Cedar Asphalt Shingles, Cupola, Optional Decorative Spindle Railings, Screens with Screen Door, Single Arched Door, Custom vinyl Siding
10' x 18' Vinyl Pool House (5’ enclosed) with Gray Composite Decking, Rustic Cedar Asphalt Shingles, Cupola, Optional Decorative Spindle Railings, Screens with Screen Door, Single Arched Door, Custom vinyl Siding
10' x 20' Vinyl Pool House, with Dual Black Asphalt Shingles, Almond Vinyl Siding, Gray Composite Decking, Single solid door, 18x36 Window with Shutters, Cupola and Optional Sreens and Screen Door.
Interior of pool house showing Gray Composite Deck, 7’ Sliding glass door, Pine finished interior with electric.
Interior of Pool House porch area, with Decorative Railings, Gray Composite Decking, and full set of Screens.